Waving Goodbye… Leaving School: Life After Year 12

Relief, excitement, freedom, anticipation, worry, sadness, change. Leaving school brings a mixture of feelings, some good, some not so good. What am I going to do with my life? I should be happy about this change… shouldn’t I?

These thoughts and feelings are all normal and very common. We might look at friends and think they have everything sorted, this is rarely the case. Most people do not know what they want to do when they leave school.

Leaving school brings many new challenges. Change can be scary. All of sudden the routine we are so used to disappears, we have endless free time (too much), our friends leave and start new adventures, and our world as we know it is moving on. What are we to do? The answer to that is to move with it.

What to do next?

Although a challenge, this time is exciting. Explore your options. Remember your marks don’t define your pathway. Don’t let your future be defined by your year 12 results. Consider your interests and don’t let your school results stop you from going after what you want. Many successful people didn’t do well at school or go to university. Success is getting up after you fall, over, and over again.

There is not one right or wrong choice. Many people feel pressured to make the “right” decision. However, who gets to say what the “right” decision is? There is more than one path to the same destination. For example, Richard Branson (Owner and CEO of Virgin) dropped out of high school, had dyslexia, and was a less than perfect student. However, what Richard did have is a determination and motivation. This coupled with lots of hard work has made him a success. Your dreams are never over unless you give up on them.

Leaving the comfort zone of high school, where your friends are and you know what is expected of you can be terrifying. The big world looks scary and uninviting. However, you need to make choices that are best for you, not ones influenced by what your friends might be doing. Rather than focusing on what is ending, start paying attention to the opportunities that are now been given to you. You will have many chances for learning and gaining new skills.

If you feel you cannot manage the sadness and anxiety that this life change might bring, do not hesitate to ask for help. Talk to your parents and friends. Also, a psychologist can help you manage your feelings and get a clearer head to make decisions. Let’s say hello to a wonderful new future.

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